
Revision Tips



Everyone should have a game plan before tackling revision. Sticking to the plan is another matter. But even just looking at when each exam is and deciding how much time to allocate to each module will give you a structure and help you stay roughly on track.

Make time for breaks

Finding ways to break up those long slogs in the library is so important, for productivity and your sanity. Personally I like to do something active like going for a run. Activities like this release endorphins which help to reduce stress and anxiety, as well as boost concentration and improve sleep.

Practice those mocks

I found doing mock papers the most useful revision exercise. Re-reading your notes only gets you so far and I found the mocks really helped me in terms of timings for the real thing.

Teaching your peers

As Einstein put it, "you do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother". Though your peers are likely to be more clued up than your Gran, studies have shown that teaching and explaining difficult concepts to others is one of the best ways to learn them yourself.

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Finding ways to break up those long slogs in the library is so important, for productivity and your sanity.

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